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    Jack and Jill vs. the World (2008)

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    Jack and Jill vs. the World
    In Manhattan, the successful executive Jack is a methodical and controlled man with simple habits that works in an advertisement agency with his coworker George. While smoking a cigarette on the roof of the building of the agency, Jack meets the aspirant actress Jill that has just arrived in New York and is seeking a job. He sympathizes with her situation and gives her name to a Klubendorf commercial in the campaign promoted by his agency. When he takes Jill home, he finds that she lives in a very low-budget hotel and out of the blue, he invites her to stay in the guest room of his fancy apartment for a while. Jill changes the behavior of Jack that becomes happier, and proposes Jack to write together a manifesto where the first rule is "be honest". However, she omits to Jack that she is sick with cystic fibrosis and she would have only a couple of years more. When Jack discovers that Jill is ill...

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    • Vanessa Parise
    • USA
    • ~ 90 min.
    • Komödie
    • 0


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    IMDb Wertung:
    5.4 / 10 :: 1514 Votes
    Genre: Komödie Drama Romance
    Co-Produzent: Robin Dunne
    Executive Producer: Jordan Gertner
    Produzent: Vanessa Parise
    MPAA: PG-13
    Schauspieler: Freddie Prinze Jr.  Taryn Manning  Peter Stebbings  Ingrid Doucet  Vanessa Parise  Lisa Ciara  Darrin Brown  Claudia Besso  16 weitere
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